Upcoming Events




Adult Finger Painting Classes

with Christine Hyde



Will be Resumed at a later Date



Classes from 2:00 pm  - 4:30 pm



Everything you will need included

canvas, apron, gloves, paint

Wine & snacks

Loads of fun & laughter






Reservations Required


RSVP:  whitesideartgallery@gmail.com



Rain or Shine









William Jameson Art Workshop

August 15th - 17th


 9 am - Lunch break - 3:30 pm




* Reservations with Deposit required


RSVP to  whitesideartgallery@gmail.com

   During “Late Summer on the Blue Ridge”, we will be cool and comfortable painting for three days in our spacious “studio”!  We have been invited to enjoy this workshop inside the amazing Whiteside Art Gallery in fabulous Cashiers, NC.  With lots of room to work in this artistic environment, we will work from photo references, which will be used for information and as a point of departure for your compositions. We will determine what to leave out, what to leave in or change, in order to make good paintings and make them your own.

Each day we will begin at 9:00 AM with talks and demonstrations, then paint until our lunch break (dutch) at one of Cashiers fun cafes, and return to our work, ending each day about 3:30 PM, leaving some time to explore the great shops and spectacular area.

 Also, on Wednesday evening, the 14th, there will be a "get acquainted party" for the painters (and a spouse or friend) .


General Information
My workshops are open for beginners to advanced, with one-to-one instruction in watercolor, oil, acrylic, and pen and ink sketching. Participants may work in any or all media. A materials list will be sent to all participants.
The number of painters in all workshops is limited so we encourage you to  call or "e-request" an enrollment form and return it with the deposit. Overnight space in these small towns can also be scarce during peak times so early reservations are also suggested.








1057 Hwy 64 West
P.O. Box 522
Cashiers, NC 28717


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1057 Hwy 64 West
P.O. Box 522
Cashiers, NC 28717
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